52歌赋>英语词典>hack on翻译和用法

hack on

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  • Do you think a film about an assassination attempt on Kim Jong-un and a hack on the studio releasing it could be unrelated?
  • But due to the increase of complexity of network and the popularity of hack tools, there are still some problems, such as lower detection rate, magnanimous of processing data, lack of theoretic support and so on.
  • Was there a hack or a hacker on the PSP that really impressed you?
  • This is really only a hack, though& generally you shouldn't rely on the lexical representation of an XML document.
  • How to Understand Hack on Internet
  • Dallas Cowboys suffered an early setback as star mall Sanders hurt his hack in the warm-up and was forced to spend the first Boll on the bench.
  • A hack attack on one of the biggest certificate authorities has brought into question the entire system and made many realize that the system is in drastic need of updating for21st century demands.
  • Not a great start for a man who is not yet formally in the race. Dallas Cowboys suffered an early setback as star mall Sanders hurt his hack in the warm-up and was forced to spend the first Boll on the bench.
  • This hack is based on my comment on the PHP online documentation.
  • Capistrano lets us deploy and rollback everywhere; git with github lets us all hack frantically on the same codebase then merge and deploy.